Figure 1. Title and abstract
Figure 2. Circular representation of whole genome comparisons (A) and SEED Sub-systems predicted (B) in A. faecalis D334
Figure 3. Genetic contents responsible for osmotic adaptation of A. faecalis D334: (A) Genes contributing to osmotic stress tolerance. (B) Venn diagram representing the shared and unique genes involved in osmotic response within A. faecalis genomes. (C) Proposed pathway related to biosynthesis and transport of ectoines in A. faecalis D334
Figure 4. PHA biosynthesis by A. faecalis D334. (A) Genes encoding functional proteins associated with PHA metabolism. (B) Time course of PHA yield by A. faecalis D334
Writer: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Doan Van Thuoc
(Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology)