Call for Papers
8th World Congress of Herpetology
The organizing committee of the 8th World Congress of Herpetology announces a call for papers to all academics, professionals and students in the field of herpetological studies. The Congress will be held 15-21 August 2016 in Hangzhou, China. As one of the prominent international conferences in the world, it will provide colleagues and students with an opportunity to share their latest academic achievements and develop friendships in the field of herpetological studies. All papers will be reviewed by at least two referees. Papers accepted will be published in Asian Herpetological Research, Current Zoology, or Integrative Zoology.
Submissions of substantial, original and previously unpublished work are invited in all areas related to the themes of the Congress. The strongly preferred submission method for papers is to use the conference management tool Paperdyne. Only PDF and MS Word files will be accepted. If electronic submission is not possible for the authors, hardcopy submissions may also be made. Each hardcopy submission should contain four copies of the paper and should be sent by postal mail to the Editorial Office of Asian Herpetological Research, Current Zoology, or Integrative Zooloy.
Papers must be written in English. Each paper should be accompanied by a title page, including the title of the paper, and author's information (including names, affiliations, postal addresses and E-mail addresses), an abstract of less than 500 words and 3-8 keywords.
The deadline for receipt of papers is 15 May 2016 for both electronic and hardcopy submissions. Papers received after this date will be rejected without review. Notification of receipt of papers will be sent to the corresponding author soon after receipt.
Conferences and Accommodation in Hangzhou
818 Middle Shixin Road Xiaoshan,Hangzhou,China